Tuesday, March 31, 2009

strategic bombing part 1


In the peak of World War 2 the British and its allied begin to adapt a new strategy and approach in defeating the Nazi Germany capability of confronting them. On the British side they really have the confidence that with the air supremacy and the ability of their Royal Air force to control the European sky the strategic bombing will give a big punch in the face of the Nazi Germany. During the end of the World War 2 theatre in Europe, the Nazi Germany Air Force have lose their credibility and capability of retaining the air supremacy because of the inability of new breed of aircraft fighter and the obsolete in technology and later the introduction of the world first turbine engine aircraft towards the end of the war is too late and give insignificant or too little effect. But different at their British side, they have make an improvement to their aircraft fighter and their bomber with the help from their counterpart the United States of America, their famous aircraft spitfire and a range of bomber aircraft. They believe that with their capability and ability of experience aircrew, the new concept will forged outstanding effect on the path of World War 2 and conclude with the Nazi Germany defeated. Winston Churchill believe in the option of using air strategy of strategic bombing to paralyzed the Nazi Germany war producing capability and make the war more easier for the Allied to fought. There are a few reasons why the strategic bombing method that they use cannot be justified, the proportionality reason, the collateral damage it brought, the necessity cause of using the bombing, in the term of morality towards humanity, humanitarian crisis that occur after the bombing is done, do they find other option to be use rather that strategic bombing, consideration of the strategic bombing as the war crime towards the Germany people and the jus in Bello aspect.
The first reason why the air strategy of strategic bombing cannot be justified is because of the proportionality of using the strategic bombing towards the change of World War 2 ways. How can the usage of strategic bombing being justified if the destruction is not only to the intended target but also the civilian target that also being hit by the bomb. In order to destroy a few factory in the high density area the whole area have to be bombard to make sure that the target is destroy. Is the hit on the civilian target proportionate and justified when the precision on the target is less accurate and the ability to distinguish between the civilian target and the military target is it cloud of certainty. Does the action justify the destruction that occurs after the bombardment or it just a sacrifice that is permissible towards achieving the goal of the strategic bombing? Is the strategy is permissible when the casualties of the unintended target is more that the intended one hand them the right to do that. The action the taken put a choice between choosing to send a few hundred thousand of allied army to march and attack the target and the projection of casualties is high than using strategic bombing as an instrument of war can be take into action. Or the destruction of the entire city is permissible although city is not intended target but it is in the ways of the intended target. Another action that can be taken is to sent a marching troops towards the Nazi Germany war producing area and destroy it but the projection of the battle will be fierce and casualties that inflicted high and the resources from manpower to the supply involve is huge in size and cannot be replace easily if the attack meet failure but it just on the paper but practically not as the predicted. The Nazi Germany army towards the end of The World War 2 is consist of young and inexperienced soldier, old and veteran soldier that prove to have low morale of fighting with the allied troops.
Another reason why the use of strategic bombing method cannot be justified is because it brings collateral damage to the bombing area. This happen because of the amount of fire power and the nature of the bomb itself bring destruction to the hit position. Consider of the wind current and start the bombardment of the target in a form of line. This happen because the wind current affected the precision of the bomb being drop, and often the intended target has not being destroy but the residence place being touched by the bomb, the bombardment have to be start over again. The effect of the strategic bombing is big both to the environment and to the people that have direct contact with it, the surrounding area of the bombardment hit area will have a crater as the result of the bomb blast will not be suitable for human life but after extensive of reparation can continued the use of the area. The people at the bombardment target hit area will be effected directly and cause losing their life for the direct hit from the bomb, their resident totally destroy and will created a pressure in continuing live towards the end of war. The effected to the human or population is not only for the short term but also for the long term, losing family members and friends will give big impact on the mental health of the population and for most of all is the individual that suffer directly from the bombing such as losing a part of their body have to live with it for the rest of their life. The damage inflicted from the strategic bombing is total and nothing will be save from it, because of the firepower and the amount of explosion that is huge in size compare to the objective that want to be achieve.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Remaja dan Kewangan

Remaja kini penuh dengan keinginan untuk memenuhi kehendak mereka daripada keperluan.Ini berlaku atas sebab kurangnya ilmu ataupun pengetahuan untuk membezakan antara kehendak dan keperluan,yang kadangkala memerangkap remaja kejurang pembaziran.Pengetahuan dipeolehi melalui pembacaan dan penelitian yang amat jarang remaja lakukan aktiviti ini kecuali sesetengah remaja yang mengambil berat.Keadaan ini berlku atas sebab kurangnya kesedaran mereka tentangnya,menyebabkan pembaziran kewangan yang besar berlaku yang kadangkala menyebabkan remaja terjerumus ke lembah hutang.Kemajuan yang dikecapi dalam bidang kewangan membolehkan remaja menggunakan kemudahan kad kredit,yang mana memudahkan pembelian tanpa perlu membawa duit.Akan tetapi sedarkah kita bahawa kita sebenarnya berhutang dengan institusi kewangan yang mengenakan bunga yang tinggi.Kad kredit memberi kemudahan kepada penggunanya untuk berbelanja luar dari kemampuan sebenarnya,hasilnya hutang kad kredit melambung dan akhirnya remaja terpaksa menghadapi tindakan bankrap oleh institusi kewangan.Pembaziran oleh remaja kini berada pada tahap yang membimbangkan,pekara ini perlu diberikan perhatian yang serius oleh pihak berkenaan.Tidak dinafikan terdapat remaja yang mengambil berat tentang perbelanjaan mereka dan berbelanja dengan berhemah tetapi bilanganya terlalu kecil jika dibandingkan dengan bilangan remaja yang terdapat dinegara ini.Akhir kata ramaja hendaklah menimba ilmu tentang pengurusan kewangan bagi membentuk remaja yang berdisiplin dalam hal perbelanjaan dan membantu negara dalam usahanya melahirkan remaja yang bijsk menguruskan kewangan.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Kadi diberikan Pampasan

Al-kisah sekumpulan manusia yang bergelar kadi diberikan pampasan, atas kesilapan dan kecetekan pengadilan khalifah yang memerintah. Adapun mereka menerima dengan hati yang terbuka tetapi maruah yang tercalar dan nama yang sudah pun busuk. Perkara berikut tidak dapat dibendung oleh kerana masyarakat umum telah pun mengatahui kebenarannya.Sekiranya diberikan segunung emas sekalipun,tetap tidak setimpal dengan pengorbanan yang dilakukan oleh mereka.Kedudukan yang hilang serta penghormatan yang sudah pudar lebih memeritkan daripada seksaan manusia.Apapun yang terjadi haruslah kita semua cuba mendapatkan cerita atau kisah yang sebenarnya.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Melakar Sejarah

Barrack Obama melakar sejarah tersendiri kerana berjaya dalam pilihanraya untuk memilih presiden Amerika Syarikat yang akan datang menggantikan G.W Bush yang akan tamat penggal pemerintahanya.Barrack Obama dilihat sebagai seorang calon yang mampu membawa perubahan terhadap A.S dalam pelbagai segi baik dari segi hubungan antarabangsa mahupun eknomi A.S yang sedang mengalami krisis terburuk dalam abad ini.Beliau memperoleh banyak undi daripada kaum kulit hitam serta golongan Hispanik yang mempunyai undi yang agak besar.Seluruh dunia meraikan kejayaan Obama memenangi pilihanraya dengan pelbagai cara dan gaya.Di negara Kenya,Jepun dan Indonesia meraikan dengan meriah kejayaannya memenangi pilihanraya tersebut.Adakah Amerika Syarikat akan merubah polisinya yang selama ini dikecam dunia atau meneruskan tindak-tanduknya tanpa sebarang keraguan.Apakah perubahan yang berlaku akan membawa perubahan kepada world order atau sebaliknya kita nantikan bersama.

Melayu Tercabar

Hari ini barulah bangsa Melayu berasa tercabar dengan permintaan dan desakan daripada kaum bukan Melayu.Kebimbangan ini telah disuarakan oleh beberapa NGO Melayu yang merasakan ketuanan Melayu di tanah ini semakin terhakis. Hakikatnya apakah permintaan dan desakan dari golongan bukan Melayu itu dianggap sebagai ancaman utama atau sesebuah persatuan yang memperjuangkan politik itu yang menjadi punca utama.Kemungkinan punca utama kegelisahan yang berlaku mungkin berpunca daripada senario politik negara yang semakin tidak menentu. Semakin terhakis penghormatan terhadap kontrak sosial yang secara tidak rasmi telah lama digunapakai dan telah berjaya menjaga keharmonian tanpa menggugat ketuanan Melayu itu sendiri. Gabungan Melayu Perak telahpun menyerahkan memorandum kepada Sultan Perak menyatakan taat setia orang Melayu di Perak kepada Sultan dan Raja-Raja Melayu. Memorandum berkenaan mengandungi hasrat dan perasaan orang Melayu yang menjunjung kasih kenyataan khas Majlis Raja-Raja ke-215 pada 16 Oktober lalu.

Gambar Ihsan Utusan Malaysia

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nuclear Energy

Recently the world have being in the crisis of energy, the dependence on the fossil energy have reach up to the ultimate level when the fossil energy reach highest price since the beginning use of the fossil energy. World have already discover, use and utilize it in the daily live as use in the industrial and production of goods. Some say that the nuclear energy is the solution to the energy crisis that the world confronts; the fact is the nuclear energy has powered 17% of the world total energy needs in term of electricity. Other says that nuclear energy is clean and cheep but in the reality it far from it, not all of the country in the world have the reserved of the basic material to make the sufficient amount of uranium and plutonium energy gred types to generated the nuclear energy. The resources that involves in the process of mining the material is in the big portion, and often involve a large amount of money and only country that have the knowledge and ability can do it.

Another problem that a country should tackle before dreaming to have it own nuclear plant is the site of the plant, almost all of the nuclear plant that build around the world is situated far away from the city or settlement of citizen. Small country that doesn’t have that kind of luxury would have a problem, because the construction of nuclear plant needs a big land and buffer zone so if any things wrong happen the impact would not affect the city or any settlement. Technology and the capability to build and manage the plant is also a problem, the nuclear energy rod will become less effective in a few years and have to be replace by a new ones. That will make another problem the nuclear waste management, that the depleted uranium is very harmful and have to be restored deep inside mountain or beneath the earth. Country that would have option to use other alternative to generated the ever increasing demand for energy, try to choose the best method that can be use to generate energy with minimal investment but good in the long term of it. This planet will be inherited by the next generation and would we want them to live in the greener and nuclear free environment.
I’m not anti-nuclear person but I choose the most best ways to generate energy will minimal problem involve

Monday, November 3, 2008

sopan santun

Dewasa ini kini sering kedengaran tentang kisah-kisah duka tentang bagaimana bangsa yang satu ketika dulu gah di puncak dunia. Tetapi kini hanya bermegah dengan namanya sahaja, apakah bangsa itu sudah lupa akan adat kesopanan yang dipegang selama ini hingga memeluk budaya luar yang belum tentu sesuai dengan kita orang timur. Sifat tolong-menolong, bantu membantu semakin hilang dari sanubari mereka.

Apakah zaman yang merubah segalanya terhadap bangsa ini? apakah kurangnya didikan adap sopan oleh kedua Ibu-Bapanya, atau mahu menyalahkan takdir tuhan yang telah pun menyatakan bahawa tidak merubah nasib sesuatu bangsa kecuali bangsa itu sendiri merubahnya